
Moe Set Wine's Press Meeting @ Yangon River Cruise

 ႏို၀င္ဘာလ (၁၃) ရက္ေန႔က ရန္ကုန္၊ Yangon River Cruise အေပ်ာ္စီးသေဘၤာမွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ မိုးစက္၀ိုင္ ရဲ့ Miss Universe 2013 အေတြ႔အၾကံဳ စာနယ္ဇင္း ရွင္းလင္းပြဲ

Moe Set Wine's Press Meeting @ Yangon River Cruise

Moe Set Wine's Press Meeting @ Yangon River Cruise
At RV King Whale ( Yangon River Cruise ), Yangon
On November 13, 2013

Photos By Wai Yan.
Photos of MyanmarCelebrity.com
Exclusive Photos 6356665225566299487

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  1. she tried the best, but to be honest... as amodel; It has to be a work-out body. Not only skinny. It just that Moe set wine.... body looks like she's sick person or having diseases and skinny. It can't looks like that. Let's look at the other models... You see 99% of em look sexy and hot with work-out body.

    1. I agree that comment

    2. Nowaday body fat is known to be disease causing whether visceral or adipose fat. Thin arms and legs with flat tummy, small waist are historically elegant, healthy, and beautiful. At the end of the day, many men and women are jealous of thin or skinny peopke because that's what they cannot have no matter how hard they try. Some ladies are born with long and thin arm with more muscle building hormone, so despite how much they eat they still remain thin and elegant

    3. To whoever expects thin with workout body,
      Women do not have testosterone to start out with since birth. Women who look thin and have appearences of work out body, or those thin women with workout body, have used testosterone shots, testerone medications, patches, or testosterone drinks, green tea with EGCG, and indulge in unhealthy habits. So, to look thin with work out body, these women have to risk their health to maintain that workout look either via surgery or unhealthy indulgence in medications such as guarana, caffeine, EGCG, testosterone. Many celebrities and their wives were examples of them who use testosterone, and other work out body maintaining , muscle building, unhealthy drugs to have work out body looks.

    4. So, the take home idea is that thin people live longer. Secondly, researches show that women with work out body die younger than women who look thin without work out body. Go figure.

    5. Also, Miss Universe is about genuine character and personality with "THIN" Missy look. Not only appearence nor how many accolades nor grades nor status, rather it us about genuine characters with honesty, with thin missy looks.

    6. So, the idea that women who look thin must also have workout body is toxic and orthodox, which serve no useful purpose. Rather, according to judges, it is okay to be thin without workout body. Again, you may find it quite surprising that researches show thin women live longer than women who look thin with workout body. Also, women who are thin are more fertile thsn women who are thin with workout body.

    7. who ever comments anonymous.. that talking about "FAT" you're wrong. I agree on the very first comments. It has nothing to do with fat that he/she talking about. it has nothing to do with born with thin. It has nothing to do with genuine character. It has nothing to do with workout people die young. It has nothing to do with researchers show thing women live longer than women who look thin with workout boy. You comments are totally wrong and fucked up! The very 1st comments stated that.. In those modeling competition..it has to be a workout body. She is very pretty in just the way who she is..but I agree on that..she does looks like drug-addicted and in. In modeling.. it has to be a workout body. Don't you see other models looks so toned with workout body? Moe hay ko body would be nice! like those. You just retarded.. u have no idea what u talking about.

    8. LOL Burmese people are always fighting. Nothings wrong with the very comments. If you want to give your own opinions... just write it down somewhere, Why u gotta "reply" if you're fighting with someone? Your comments are wrong and he/she has nothing to do with what you talking about "FAT, workout body die young, born with thin, researchers show thing women live longer than women". Your statements has nothing to do with "workout body".

    9. ဟုတ္တာပဲ…သူ ့ကြန္မက္ေလးကမွန္တာပဲ။ လူတေယာက္ကပိန္တာနဲ ့ပဲ…ေမာ္ဒဲလ္ ျဖစ္ေရာလာ? ေရာဂါတယ္ လိုလို ပိန္ညိုပိန္ေျခာက္ေျခာက္..မဟုတ္မွလြဲေရာ..ေဆးသမားလို..ဘာလိုလို ကိုယ္လံုးကဘယ္သူစိတ္၀င္စားမွာလဲ?။ အျခား..မစ္ယူနီဗာစ္တီ ကိုလဲၾကည့္ၾကပါအံုး… ပိန္ညိဳပိန္ေျခာက္ေတြလားလို ့…. သူ ့တို ့ကိုယ္လံုးက GYM သြားျပီးေလ့က်င့္ထားတာေလးေတြ..ေတြ ့ရတယ္။ အခုဟာက…ခင္ဗ်ားကြန္မက္က..သူေရးထားတာနဲ ့ဘာဆိုင္လို ့… ၀တဲ့လူက..က်န္းမွာေရးနဲ ့မညီညြွတ္ဘူး…ပိန္တဲ့လူကိုမနာလိုဘူး..ဘာလားညာလားနဲ ့…ေခတ္ေႏွးတာဆိုတာ..တာကိုေျပာတာ။ အေတြးအေခၚေတြေနးတာဆိုတာ..တာကိုေျပာတာေပါ့။ သူမ်ားကြန္မက္ကမွန္ျပီးလွေနတဲ့ဟာကို… သူေျပာတာ..ေမာ္ဒဲလ္ ေလာက..နဲ ့ဘာမွမစီမဆိုင္… က်န္းမွာေရးေတြ..ဘာေတြလိုက္ထက္ေနတာကိုက… ေ၀းေနတာ…ေတာ္ေတာ့ကိုေ၀းေနေတာ့တာပဲ။

    10. In order to have work out body, some drugs are used as leisures to build and tone muscles, and those drugs can negatively affect body organs. Therefore, thin oropke live longer than thin peopke with workout bodies who maintain their workout body appearences via drugs when exercises alone do not help. Unless you want to be your own judge and keep saying workout body us a necessity. No judge ever mandates such requirement. Rather, other circumstances such as genuine character and personality than grades nor status are key to Miss Universe.

    11. One needs to understand how body physiologically functions so that one can avoid saying "sick or unhealthy" looks just because a woman or lady looks thin. Females have less testosterones. Leydig cells and testes in male produce testosterobe, so it is easier and more efficient for men to build muscles than females do build muscles. Females are not born with testes. Instead, females have more estrogen and progesterone, so females do not easily build muscles to have workmout bidy looks. Unless women take myscle building drugs such as caffeine, egcg, guarana, testosterone, and steroids in hidden formulas, toned worked out body is achievable, and those drugs shorten women live spans and thus are unsafe. It is unhealthy to use those drugs to have workout body looks. So, when someone just callously say that "she looks unhealthy or sick because she looks thin" is false. Because she exercises without using drugs, she does not have work out body looks as other wonen who take drugs while building muscles. First of all, Miss Universe committees this time have failed to perform thorough blood work check up on "drugs" unlike Olympic's. Second of all, Miss Universe committees look at other qualities such as genuine characters and personalities. Thirdly, the tyoe of answer put in thevsheet that would be read aloud. The fact that she said she wanted to have skin care shop is rather inappropriate answer because skin care products are made in Gernany, Russia, Chiba, Japan, Korea, Canada, USA, EU, and South America. So, skin care shop though her idea sounds like she is cheating because she will be "buying those skin care products from the foreign countries to sell them" . So, it sounds like she will be working for profits if she wins something. It us not genuine to be buying from foreign countries and reselling them or using them because that's what facial means in the interpretation of a foreigner.
      So, there are many circumstances. You cannot simplynsay she looks unhealthy or sick because she us thin. Long life is more essential than using drugs to build muscles to have workout body looks just to face mortality.

    12. For The people who posted the negative comments, "Did you guys look at your self in the mirror?" if not "Look at first". But I know how you guys look like. YOU LOOKED SO UGLY AND HORRIBLE inside and outside .That is why you guys are jealous to good looking pretty/ beautiful girls.I am so sorry for your ugly face,terrible body and miserable life.

    13. calm down.. guys!! Its over! gee...

    14. "I do not feel jealous of others. I do not avenge and abhor others unless there is a reason. Surprisingly, to me, being thin and beautiful earns many jealousy. But, if they know their own fate, will they still have jealousy? Time against time, their jealousy become their own traps." Nocturne

    15. "I do not feel jealos of others. I do not avenge and abhor others unless there is a reason. Surprisingly, to me, being thin and beautiful earns many jealousy. Buut, uf they know their own fate, will they still have jealousy? Time against time, their jealousy become their own traps. Time against time, their malicious plots and eyes that turn blind to the truth become their own hiding caves that then become death place." NOCTURNE

    16. giving point of views, thoughts, opinion, ideas has nothing to do with jealousy?? Burmese people are always negative in their mind!

    17. Constructive feedback and destructive criticism are different. Thin people look unhealthy or sick is destructive criticism, is based on unfounding bias, jealousy, and thus serve no useful progress. Constructive feedback are that she has done her best but she could have done better such as her need to answer question appropriately. In the International air TV live broadcast Miss Universe Myanmar answer is not appropriate.

    18. The answer was something about facial shop whichnis not suitable to the Miss Universe competition answer. So, it is like saying Myanmar sends her to represent the country but she is there to compete to win so she can open facial shop to rip off Myanmar people. That is what sounds lije in ears of foreigners. It sounds very disappointing and annoying.

    19. you know they do Drug test before u even go to the competitions? how much you know about modeling? its true that..she does looks like shes sick. No one want to see that type of body. I know I'm not perfect and no one is perfect but.. in modeling industry..You have to be perfect. We all know the rule... tall, skinny, good communications, smart, pretty, single or never married. . During the competitions of Miss Universe?? why you think there's only 1 crown for the "Perfect" one out of everyone? So.. I think we should find perfect one.

    20. Then, she came back home Myanmar and changed her answer that was something like serving orphanage. In fact, that answer was the another Miss Universe's original answer. She did not answer that in the live air broadcast that many people see.

    21. agree... She think she can win...and I saw this picture on facebook and.. LMAO!!! "Di nya..myanmar so dar thi say ya mal" too funny... she had to go home =)) just saying.. https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1459338_10202453498203859_178035354_n.jpg

    22. The drug test is not as detailed as Olympic's. Moe is not using muscle building drugs so she looks thin without workout appearences. Also, Muss Chins, Korea, Japan look thin too, without much workout body. Working out may injure tendons and muscles, which does not prolong lives. I agree with the idea that it is better to look thin than thin with workout body since I do not want to injure body and do not want to take drugs for workout body. If you expect thin with workout body lady as your girlfried pay courtesan to sleep with you. You can forget about fuve precepts monks say and have sex for one night stand, then. Then, go to hell after you die for having indulge in adultery.

    23. not easy to get skinny,must hard workout and dietz

    24. What she said sounds like an insolent brat.

  2. agree! she does have a good communications, walking and all other presentations. it just that these people that giving comments on her isn't true saying "oh....lu myar nae saing yin.. ko ka atwae akyone par ma..ma shi bu.. Lan shout dar ka a sa ayan lae kyint ya mal.." and etc... this people have no idea what they talking about. who ever give comments above... you right.. "It has to be a work-out body" not "sick person or having diseases body looking"

  3. Yes, she did her best and didn't win but that's okay because Moe now know what it is like to compete in the Miss Universe. So, for the next Miss Myanmar Universe, Moe should give her advice of what she should know and how it is like to compete in Miss. Universe. Also for the next Miss Myanmar who will be competing for Miss. Universe 2014, should be preparing to do her 100% best. One thing for sure I know is that, in Miss Universe competition, the most important thing that the judges look for is the competitor personal experiences such as "community volunteer", etc. and the interview that they answer! That interview had to do with placing in at least the 16th spot, which of course will be great if Myanmar could made it on the top 16 at the Miss. Universe competition. Of course, Good body is important for the competition, not just skinny body but a "workout body". Lastly, I encourage the next Miss. Myanmar to smile all the time at the competition. Pray to God and believe. Overall, CONFIDENCE and SUPPORTS from Myanmar is the key to winning the Miss. Universe 2014.

    Good Luck Miss. Myanmar!
    Do your best, no pressure.

    1. You're right... "workout body" preferred

    2. Long life preferred.

    3. Agree with you workout body and confidence is key to winning!

    4. Thanks for giving your opinion. I just don't get why we Myanmar can't accept any advice or thoughts that are giving without being rude to each other!

      Seriously grow up Myanmar people!

    5. don't know if the next Miss Myanmar and Moe even collaborate. I hope they do too so that Moe could give her advice.

    6. WTF is going on? No one is even talking about jealous here. Don't give a F about Moe whether she pretty or not. At least she compete and try her best I think!

    7. Sorry but I don't see no one talking about fat here!!!
      The person is talking about body workout meaning tone body not just skinny!

      the person who wrote "Do your best" is not talking about Fat!

      Infact, I agree with his/her comment and advice!

    8. look at these fool... who started the fight wasting their time? the very 1st comment has nothing to do with "Fat, workout body die young, born with thin, researchers show thin women live longer than women who fat, jelousy..and look at yourself in the mirrriors..see if you're prettier than her..and etc" Y'all can read ENGLISH...and you see the very 1st comments ... Does it look like his/her opinions are jealousy?? So.. how does the judge decide or make decision at the end.. or people voted for perfect one to get the crown? Exactly... they all share their opinions, thoughts, ideas, point of views and etc. So... you're allow to comments what you think it is. Nothings wrong with it? Just don't fight with people with a different topic.. for ex: "FAT" :P.. p.s.. no one was talking about jelousy of her or FAT... until that uneducated anonymous..starting to comments... "FAT" and started fighting people..here. So.. think twice before you do or write down something down here.

    9. Yea JEALOUSY is the ugliest thing ♥

    10. Burmese, the people in Burma, are quite evil. Millionaires from UK, USA, Australia are not as evil as Millionaires or models in Myanmar. UK, USA peopke respect laws so they pay for taxes which can be used to give affotdable health care, not that they are not spiritual and religious. Myanmar millionaire and celebrities are different from the other countries UK, USA millionaires and celebrities who pay taxes, respect laws, so that taxes are used for good intentions to provide affordable health care for all people. UK, USA governments do also respect laws they make. Myanmar government do not respect law, including Thein Sein, and Myanmar peopke are too evil. The country is so drowning that not even Mr. BILL Clinton, former president of USA can help. The pagodas, shrines, monks, spirits, dhamma, thangar, buddha, are only goods in Myanmar, but the Myanmar government and Myanmar people are too evil. The Myanmar nation is so much behind other nations simply because Myanmar government and Myanmar people are too evil and too hypocritical. Myanmar taxes are wasted because there is no safety and secipurity for Myanmar people heatlh and seniors. STUPID MYANMAR.

    11. MANY Myanmar people are more evil than some pundits believe.

    12. Such lost bulls and water buffalos, Myanmars are except Minks and spiritual leaders and some nice folks. Kiss my ass!

    13. Well I'm from Korea and I happen to be one of Moe supporter at Miss Universe 2013, she's the reason why I got to this page. Anyway, I don't know much about Myanmar but so far by reading "AnonymousNovember 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM" comment, I am now terrify to go to Myanmar. Since, I am Christian and if Myanmar people only care about Buddha and not other religion, that's not the type of country I will like to visit.

      I hope Myanmar will be freedom someday.

  4. Wow, I must says I like your comment very much!

    1. I don't know! the anonymous person who says "Do your best, no pressure!"

  5. Why are you folks bullying her? Stop getting envious and racist when you folks cannot be half pretty as she is.

    1. Your comment is heading wrong direction, we don't mean her just her body.

    2. NO one is bullying her! Don't talk about if we are pretty or not, we are not judging her beauty, so please don't even talk about if we are even half pretty as her. Pls, you don't see me.

      We are giving our opinion, thought, advice! What? should we not give advice? And Of course we want Myanmar to win the Miss. Universe!
      That is why as a proud Myanmar, we are just giving our opinions out there so that Our next Miss. Myanmar who would be competing for Myanmar know what to expect!
      Trust me honey, I am not jealous of her. I am not that type!

    3. agree on you. they keep comming back to us saying "look at yourself in the mirror..see if you're prettier than her or not" no one jealouse of her. We all have freedom of speech!

    4. Your advice is what you make of yourself, not that it is applicable for her. There is no absolute meeting of requirements or goals, only can be marked "as progress". The more you say to prove you are not envious, the more you are getting envious. You are proving yourself not guilty by saying more, but as said afore, your advice is what you make of yourself because one advice does not fit all. Does one size shoe fit all? NO. Also, there is time difference, people difference, place difference. You are not her, and she is not you.

    5. What happen when Cinderella step sisters try to fit in shoes tgey do not fit? Loss, great loss. So, even uf meant for next Miss Myanmar, no one can bend to shaoe next model to fit into million advises. Rivers are better to flow freely to form sea and ocean, great vast of water than misuse or manipulate rivers till no water is left to form great vast of water.

    6. ^^ I think you are saying that to yourself? Sorry it's not about Cindrella. I don't even know wtf you are talking about.

    7. anonymous post November 20, 2013 at 3:19pm and 3:24Pm... what are you talking about? Just No clue what you talking about... I see you giving example by comparing with Cinderella... but for what? I don't get it your opinion and explanation. You still need to add 1 more part. Let us know..

    8. So I just got to view Myanmarcelebrity.com and after clicking Moe picture, it lead me here. After reading the whole conversation, someone is talking about Cinderella? what is that have to do with anything that these other anonymous are talking about? EXPLAIN.


  6. Thar du,Thar du,Thar du.
    Dhar na,Thi la,Bhar wa nar.

    1. Not feeling empathy, You are protecting your own idea of dhana thila bhawanar, making this site a pawn, in the game of making your idea known. If you really do respect dhsna, thila, bhawana, you will not mention recklessly and nonchalantly without explanations. Saying it re klessly show that you are competing with ignorance.

    2. Likewise, there are many folks in monasteries who talk in brief and long, manipulate monks, monasteries, humble people, times, knowledge, and compassion in their games of "monastery, monastery, at the place, who can be best among all" and pushes other lives in long snd suffering agony. Such person ie., Oppen Hein or Aye Aye Mu from Los Angeles Ca is the example.

    3. what the heck is "Thar du,Thar du,Thar du.
      Dhar na,Thi la,Bhar wa nar"?

      someone explain.

    4. Hypocrisies are really abhorrence of humanities, compassion, empathy, sincerity, honesty.Those are hypocrisies....

    5. huh Hypocrisies ? mmm....

  7. competing in international level is absolutely paramount,as we all know,to win this competition,she has to be perfect in terms of personality,height,body structure and so on.....we should acknowledge that she has done all her best.

  8. I agree on the very first comments. She is very pretty lady... But in modeling competitions.. You can't be only "thin". You gotta have a little bit toned body...so workout is needed. ko..ka ta gal pyaw pya dar par.. thu myar pain lol..ma nar lol..lo pyaw dar ma hote woo naw. aman ko aman pyaw pya dar par.

  9. ဟုတ္တာပဲ…သူ ့ကြန္မက္ေလးကမွန္တာပဲ။ လူတေယာက္ကပိန္တာနဲ ့ပဲ…ေမာ္ဒဲလ္ ျဖစ္ေရာလာ? ေရာဂါတယ္ လိုလို…ပိန္ညိုပိန္ေျခာက္ေျခာက္..မဟုတ္မွလြဲေရာ..ေဆးသမားလို..ဘာလိုလို ကိုယ္လံုးကဘယ္သူစိတ္၀င္စားမွာလဲ?။ အျခား..မစ္ယူနီဗာစ္တီ ကိုလဲၾကည့္ၾကပါအံုး… ပိန္ညိဳပိန္ေျခာက္ေတြလားလို ့…. သူ ့တို ့ကိုယ္လံုးက GYM သြားျပီးေလ့က်င့္ထားတာေလးေတြ..ေတြ ့ရတယ္။ အခုဟာက…ခင္ဗ်ားကြန္မက္က..သူေရးထားတာနဲ ့ဘာဆိုင္လို ့… ၀တဲ့လူက..က်န္းမွာေရးနဲ ့မညီညြွတ္ဘူး…ပိန္တဲ့လူကိုမနာလိုဘူး..ဘာလားညာလားနဲ ့…ေခတ္ေႏွးတာဆိုတာ..တာကိုေျပာတာ။ အေတြးအေခၚေတြေနးတာဆိုတာ..တာကိုေျပာတာေပါ့။ သူမ်ားကြန္မက္ကမွန္ျပီးလွေနတဲ့ဟာကို… သူေျပာတာ..ေမာ္ဒဲလ္ ေလာက..နဲ ့ဘာမွမစီမဆိုင္… က်န္းမွာေရးေတြ..ဘာေတြလိုက္ထက္ေနတာကိုက… ေ၀းေနတာ…ေတာ္ေတာ့ကိုေ၀းေနေတာ့တာပဲ။

  10. ဒိီ တ ရုပ္ မ သြား ျဖဲ ျပိီး ေပါ္ လါ ျပ န္ ဘိီ ; ဆံပင္ ေတြပြ ပါး စပ္ ျကိီး ျပဲ ေပါင္ ကါး လမ္း ေလ်က္
    ျပ လို့ ဘိတ္ ဆံုး က ပ ထ မ ရ ခဲ့ ပါ တယ္ ကြယ္. ပံု ျပင္ ေလး က ဒါ ပါ ဘဲ ။
    ေမာင္ ေလး ညိီမ ေလး တို့ လဲ အ တု ခိုး မ မွား ျက နဲ့ ေနာ္.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Don't be so pessimistic Guys! No one is perfect. She just took part in that competition for our country. She tried her best and it is no doubt that she could really represent for our country. It's been such a long time our country couldn't participate in Miss Universe competition but she tried her best. Another fact is that she didn't get the enough time to prepare for body, walking whereas other Miss have. We should be proud of her and our country. Of course, I know everyone has different views. If you guys want to point out her weak points, you all could say positive ways. In my opinion, he has her own talents that's why she was chosen to go and compete in the competition. Be positive, Cheers

    1. lar pyan be.. nout tayout!

    2. Yes.No one is perfect

    3. okay..we all know that.. No one is perfect! But modeling competition has nothing to do with "No one is perfect"! they just have to find the right one and the perfect one!

    4. 1st of all.. why did it say "Miss universe, beauty, America's next top models and there's more modeling competitions". Y'all know the rule.. It has to be "tall, pretty, good communications, single or never married, perfect body and etc"!! So... you just have to find the "Perfect" one. we all know No one is perfect....but it has nothing to do with modeling industry! OMG!

    5. why you think there's so many models (ex: 80.. 100 models)... during the competitions of Miss Universe?? why there's only 1 crown for the "Perfect" one out of 80/100?? excellently. So find...the perfect one! OMG!

    6. I don't wanna disagree with you, friend. I just wanna point out you all can think some positive ways for our Miss. I didn't say what you said is wrong. She is the most suitable one for Miss Universe competition among other contestants. Obviously, she couldn't win the title award but she did tried. Do you think anyone who is really Perfect for Miss Universe competition? Did she compete in the Yangon competition? The judges also admitted that they didn't have enough time for everything. They all tried their best for the competition. Just wanna show my view. Calm Down friend! That competition is over!

    7. Let people argue and waste their time.

  13. di ka Lu tway akon lone.. ta yar twar htaing saing! tar du! tar Du! :P

  14. aye pot.. Moe set Wine ka shone mhar pot. Lu tway ka lae.. "Myanmar" asit ma "voted" chin kya tar ko. a char... kachin, kayar, mon, yakhaing, kayin...so.. "vote" phoe nay nay tar tar... Myanmar lu tway ka...taing yin tar tway..aung myin mhar kyote loh.. "Myanmar" a sit ko ma... "voted" kya tar ko.. shone mhar pot. phu phu... phat phat.. swe swe saung saung, pain pain nyung nyung..pig tar nae thu dae color ko voted ma tot.. shone mhar pot

    1. Okay, there are Miss Korea, Miss Chiba, and Miss Japan. So, when you send a lady from Myanmar that loojs like Korea, Japan, Chiba, Vietnam, it is expected tgat international judges will compare Miss Universe Myanmar to other Miss Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam. If you want to send a lady from Myanmar that looks like Korea, Japan, Vietnam, China, you have to make sure that the lady we are sending from Myanmar must look 10× better than Japan, Korea, China because in this competition Miss Korea is most beautiful. Miss China is more beautiful than Miss Myanmar and Japan. Do you see the point??? It is not that Myanmar do not want to vote for shan kachin karen kayah rahkhine shan races.

    2. It is surprising to see a lady from Myanmar who looks Chinese. Som it calls out judges to also look at China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and when that is so, they see Miss Korea is prettier than China, Japan, Myanmar. They expect that Myanmar race will look different from China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam. Now, it seems no different. So, it is about authentic race.
      Besides, the place is Russia. Miss Venezuela looks like the Russia's authentic royal race- the Ottoman ethnicity which used to exist before Serb before World War 2 destroyed it. The nation is racist. Do not think that it is not racist.

    3. the Real Myanmar are actually "dark and black". ta gae myanmar sit sit ka mel mel thu thu par hay.. :P

    4. Miss Venezuela looks like the blood race of Ottoman, the Russian true race.

  15. South American people have big breasts and Burmese wonen breast cup size C in waist 25 is a mom's size while south Americans like Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Venezuela in unmarried Miss have breast size C for waist 25.

  16. ေခါင္းစဥ္ၾကီးေတြနဲ႔တင္ တန္ေနဘီ..

  17. One thing I know about Burma is when it comes to these kind of competition, one have to be rich in order to compete. Am I right or wrong?



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