Donation of Motion Picture Organization & Myit Tar Thingaha

Here is the video of the donation event of Myanmar Motion Picture Organization and Myit Tar Thingaha Group which was held at the Myanmar Motion Picture Organization Office in Yangon on September 3, 2013. Total (128 Lakhs) Kyats are donated for supporting flood victims at Kwaut Ka Rate Township in Myanmar.

စက္တင္ဘာလ (၃) ရက္ေန႔က ရန္ကုန္၊ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ ႐ုပ္႐ွင္အစည္းအ႐ုံးခန္းမမွာ
 က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ ေရေဘးသင့္ ျပည္သူမ်ားအတြက္ အလွဴ

Donation of Motion Picture Organization & Myit Tar Thingaha

Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com

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  1. Khant si thu a myae tan paper look piae pyaw tae....pyay ti oo wedding hmar kaw Khant si thu kyie thu myar write down pay htar tae paper pae look pyaw nay tae...Lu Min Lo brain htae hmar shi tae a taing yoe yoe shin shin pyaw san par Khant Si Thu yae..

  2. ဟိန္း ေဝ ယံ နဲ့ သူ့ အ ေဖ ကို ဘယ္ လိုဆံုး မ ရင္ ေကာင္း မ လဲ အ ရွုပ္ ထုပ္ ျကိး ေတြ င ရဲ အိုး ဂ်ုိး ကပ္ မွာ စိုး တယ္



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