Photos: Rally Against Myanmar Film Association

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Mini Rally Against Myanmar Film Association
At Maha Bandula Garden Street, Yangon
On August 24, 2013

Photos By Wai Yan.
Photos of MyanmarCelebrity.Com

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  1. hein wai yan 's father n mother so stupid

  2. Wine Su Khine Thein ko sar pie nar ma lae loke tae actor Hein Wai Yan n his dad Win Kyi n his mother San San Maw N their video production :::: " a lo ma shi ..a lo ma shi ....." a hak a hak Win kyi bae ka lu tawe khaw lar ta lae sanda pya phoet.......

  3. They arr all so stupid!

  4. Daw San San Maw is not hein wai yan's mother.She is a producer of Su Video production. I absolute support her act.

  5. typing wrong.......sar pie nar ma lae actor Hein Wai Yan n Wine Su ko gaung shaung tae lu gyie lu kaung ma san tae his dad " WIN KO" n mother " SAN SAN WIN" ......their own video production " MANN HTET CHI" ...." A LO MA SHI >>A LO MA SHI".........Khoe ku tawe yaung lo thu to videos htoke loke yay a peik khan ya tar taw taw lay seit nar thwar pone lu ga lu par U WIN lo " HEIN WAI YAN "KO SANDA PYA phoet khaw ma lar tar lae U Win Ko%%%%#####

  6. whatsofuckingever. who the hell are u to tell them that they're stupid. Why do u go and fuckurself and shout" fuck me stupid.

  7. now,heiwaiyan have nothing except his parent's money



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