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PHOTOS: Celebrities @ MANGO Grand Opening @ Taw Win Center
စက္တင္ဘာလ (၂၉) ရက္ေန႔က ရန္ကုန္၊ Taw Win Center မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ MANGO Grand Opening & Promotion Event Beautiful New Face Models @ MANG...
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hein wai yan 's father n mother so stupid
ReplyDeleteWine Su Khine Thein ko sar pie nar ma lae loke tae actor Hein Wai Yan n his dad Win Kyi n his mother San San Maw N their video production :::: " a lo ma shi ..a lo ma shi ....." a hak a hak Win kyi bae ka lu tawe khaw lar ta lae sanda pya phoet.......
ReplyDeleteThey arr all so stupid!
ReplyDeleteDaw San San Maw is not hein wai yan's mother.She is a producer of Su Video production. I absolute support her act.
ReplyDeletetyping wrong.......sar pie nar ma lae actor Hein Wai Yan n Wine Su ko gaung shaung tae lu gyie lu kaung ma san tae his dad " WIN KO" n mother " SAN SAN WIN" ......their own video production " MANN HTET CHI" ...." A LO MA SHI >>A LO MA SHI".........Khoe ku tawe yaung lo thu to videos htoke loke yay a peik khan ya tar taw taw lay seit nar thwar pone lu ga lu par U WIN lo " HEIN WAI YAN "KO SANDA PYA phoet khaw ma lar tar lae U Win Ko%%%%#####
ReplyDeletewhatsofuckingever. who the hell are u to tell them that they're stupid. Why do u go and fuckurself and shout" fuck me stupid.
ReplyDeletenow,heiwaiyan have nothing except his parent's money