Fundraising Music Concert for Orphans of Myanmar in San Francisco

Here are videos of the Fundraising Music Concert for Orphans of Myanmar which was held in San Francisco, U.S.A on August 3, 2013. Ni Tar, Khunn Sint Nay Chi, Naw Li Zar and Pearl Win performed for the Music Show during their U.S.A Music Tours.

ၾသဂုတ္လ (၃) ရက္ေန႔က အေမရိကန္ ျပည္ေထာင္စု၊ San Francisco မွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တဲ့
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံရွိ မိဘမဲ့ကေလးငယ္မ်ားအတြက္ ရန္ပံုေငြ ဂီတေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲ

Khunn Sint Nay Chi @ Fundraising Concert in San Francisco, U.S.A   

Pearl Win @ Fundraising Concert in San Francisco, U.S.A

Ni Tar @ Fundraising Concert in San Francisco, U.S.A

Naw Li Zar @ Fundraising Concert in San Francisco, U.S.A 

Ni Tar @ Fundraising Concert in San Francisco, U.S.A

Interview with Singers

Video: Eagle video Group (Mike Min Min, Ayong, Zin Min Htoo, Rickey & Ko Sai)
Live Sound: Harry Chin
Live Video Streaming: Shwe Video Media Group

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  1. အဆိုေတာ္ နီတာက ဘာလူမ်ဳိးလဲဆိုတာ သိႏိုင္မယ္ဆိုရင္ သိခ်င္ပါတယ္။

    1. He is singing burmese songs and he was born in burma. Don't try
      too hard to know, there is no race in usa.

  2. only naw li zar and ni tar is good at singing....

    1. Khunn Sint nay kyi has good voice & good performance too. Pearl win is so beautiful, so, audiences didn't notice her voice.



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