PHOTOS: Celebration of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday

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Celebration of Myanmar Democracy Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday

Singer SHE @ Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday Celebration

Director Wyne @ Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday Celebration

Song Oo Hlaing @ Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday Celebration

Tun Eaindra Bo @ Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday Celebration

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday Celebration

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi waving to the people who come and celebrate for her birthday @ NLD Office

The Celebration of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's 68th Birthday
At NLD Head Quater, Yangon.
On June 19, 2013

Photos By Wai Yan.
Photos of MyanmarCelebrity.Com

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  1. No doubt for our National Hero Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,,forwarding Democracy for development of her country and her 60 millions people, ever living without fear, Human Rights and Prosperity. Happy Birthday ASSK .! June 19, 2013.

  2. Should you be with Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu), San Lin, Winmin Htut (Win Htut) from 10829 Arrowood Street, Temple City, CA 91780. Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu), San Lin, and Oppen Hein's (Aye Aye Mu's) son, inlcuding Win Htut (Winmin Htut) have stolen NOT only personal belonging of their mother, the grandmother of Winmin Htut (Win Htut) or Win Htut (Winmin Htut). Oppen Hein's (Aye Aye Mu) stole money from her biological father while her brother Tun Lin (Arthur Hein) followed her footsteps. Her father did not give her money as inheritance. She stole her money from her father without his acknowledgement. Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) stole her money from her father to the point he had to reinquish his marketing business, went bankrupt, and died. When caught stealing from her own biological father, Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu), she killed her own biological father as witnessed by several people. Then, when her own biological mother visited her for 15 months, she killed her biological mother in 15 months. How did she kill her mother? Oppen Hein's (Aye Aye Mu's) biological mother had medical conditions that necessitate prescriptive medications. Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) is a killer of her biological mother, thief of her own biological father. Her mother had COPD, Asthma, Caronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia. Eventhough her biological mother received "FREE" medications from the government, OPPEN HEIN (AYE AYE MU) REFUSED TO GIVE, DID NOT GIVE not give the Asthma medication when her mother had life threatening asthma attack, Angina, Extreme Hyperglycemia and severe Hypertension. Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) abused her mother mentally and physically. With her husband San Lin, Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) locked and confined her mentally incapacitated mother with no access to food, water, and bathroom in a dark, cluttered room while she WENT TO BURMESE MONASTERY, BURMESE COMMUNITY CENTERS, Burmese Weddings, Burmese LIVE Concert and LIVE SHOW AND she BAD MOUTHED (GOSSIPED) about even her "own friends" , EVERYONE SHE knew. In addition, Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) discontinued all medications aganist medical indications and medically indicated, medically necessity by medical doctors' advices but with her interned medical provider son Winmin Htut (Win Htut) advice to the point that Oppen Hein's mother (Aye Aye Mu's mother) had permanently irreversible injury as testified by the medical professionals. How pathetic! How pathetic. Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu) put her own biological mother in worst harazards and misfortune that her mother became "physically incapacitated" to the point of no return---permanent physical and physiolgical damage---Oppen Hein's (Aye Aye Mu's) endless cruelty to her own biological mother, to her her own bilological father, and to her own friends and people she know.

    Dear Amay Su,

    May you be healthy, well, and blessed. May you bless people suffering from oversea because of people like Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu), San Lin, Winmin Htut (Win Htut). Amay Su, may you help preserve, protect, and defend freedom and liberty of innocent Burmese people in Burma and in oversea and are suffering because of another Burmese like Oppen Hein (Aye Aye Mu), San Lin, Winmin Htut. May Buddha and God bless Amay Su.

  3. Aung San Suu Kyi is nothing to ethnic minorities in Burma. She doesn't represent for ethnic minorities in Burma. Just let the world knows about that; she is just a leader of Bamar people. That's all.



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