VIDEO: Thai Ladyboys' Musical Show/ Tiffany Show in Yangon

The 1st Musical Show of Thai Ladyboys, Tiffany's Show, was held at Myanmar Convention Center (MCC) hall, in Yangon, on October 25, 2012. Many of Myanmar popular celebrities cheered the beauty and performances of Thai Ladyboys.

ေအာက္တိုဘာလ (၂၅) ရက္ေန႔က ရန္ကုန္၊ MCC Hall မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့
 ထိုင္းလုလင္ပ်ဳိတို႔၏ ကၠဳတိၳယအသြင္ ကပြဲသဘင္ ဗီဒီယို

Thai Ladyboys' Musical Show/ Tiffany Show in Yangon - Vimeo!


Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com

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  1. gay or not gay they are very talented .they really are professional entertainers.

  2. Better than Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein.

  3. Pyi Ti Oo and Myo Han Tun are very low standard due to their comments,they should eat dog food,they should live in Yangon Zoo or Nay Pya Thaw Zoo,should learn from Ko Kyaw Thu.

  4. ေျပတီဦး how give the god give you as human,may be make mistake,U had chance only this life as a human,be a good man,life is short.

  5. ေျပတီဦး U act like animal but fortunately you got only this life is human,next life will be one leg animal because you always say yours.Be prepare for next life and say and write good thing.may be you can stay no longer this life.No time for you.



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