Ko Ko Hlaing's Remarkable Advice on Solution for Electricity Shortage
Here is the short Presser video of Myanmar President Advisor Ko Ko Hlaing. Ko Ko Hlaing made his remarkable advice on solution for electricity shortage in Myanmar.
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ လွ်ပ္စစ္မီး မလံုေလာက္မွဳ ျပသနာကို ဘယ္လိုေျဖရွင္းၾကမလဲ ဆိုတာကို
အၾကံျပဳထားတဲ့ သမၼတ အၾကံေပး ကိုကိုလွဳိင္
Here is the Response Video to Ko Ko Hlaing's Advice !!!
President Advisor Ko Ko Hlaing's Remarkable Advice on Solution for Electricity Shortage in Myanmar
Here is the Response Video to Ko Ko Hlaing's Advice !!!
Hey I'm staying in Japan no need candle light until now. What you talking about that .all of you say myanmar is developing."try saving with candle "that what you said it's funny for other country.shameless!
ReplyDeleteWTF! Shame on you Mr.Adviser. Government must take responsibility to protect own peoples who living in the country and fulfill their needs. Government have to taking care of citizens as your own children, if not there is no point holding the Nation's power and Standing as "We are official government of Myanmar". Let me ask you U Ko Ko Hlaing, "is anyone of you staying in Nay Pyi Taw using Candle to save the F**king Electricity?" NON SENSE!!!
ReplyDeletePISS OFF_l_ DICK HEAD ,wonder has he ever got brain?? might has full of shits in his whole head
ReplyDeleteဟဟ .. ဒါလားအၾကံေပး ..၁၀ တန္းေတာင္ေအာင္ရဲ့လားမသိဘူး..Shame on you
ReplyDeleteThis mother fucker not suppose to say such a word as he said..
Just wanna say that " Fuck Off ".
ငါလိုးမသား မင္းပဲဖေယာင္တိုင္မီးနဲ့ေနၾကည့္ပါလား ေနနိင္မလားဆိုတာ သမၼတၾကီးကလဲ ဒီလိုေခြးမသားကို ဘယ္နားကေနရွာျပီး ခန့္ထားလဲမသိဘူး
ReplyDeletehahaha...U KO KO HLAING needs to see the google earth at night. I'm confused now, just wondering why Mr. President has such a wonderful advisor and still no electricity in Burma. Thinking, Thinking, Thinking......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeleteသူကလူေရွ႕သူေရွ႕ ဒဲ႕ေျပာရဲတယ္.....မိန္းမလိုမိန္းမရ.....မလုပ္ဘူး...
ReplyDeleteပုဆုိးၾကားထဲက လက္သီးျပေနတာ......ေစာက္ရွက္ကို မရွိဘူး.......
ေယာက်ၤားဆုိ ေပၚတင္တက္ေျပာ.ၾကေဟ႕.............
အၾကံေပးဆိုပါလား... နင္ေစာက္ခြက္ကိုယ္တိုင္ အိမ္မွာမီးမလာဘဲ့ ေနပါလား.. ဘယ္လိုေနမလဲၾကည့္ခ်င္တယ္..
ReplyDeleteအဲရားကြန္းနဲ ခဏမအိပ္ရတာနဲ အသက္ရွူၾကပ္ၿပီးေသေနမယ္...
What do you expect from an Ex-military? Where did the President find him as an Adviser? He is supposed to be an Adviser on Political Affairs. He should advise only the President. He should keep his mouth shut in public and not act like Kyaw Hsan's assistant and spewing garbage from his mouth.
ReplyDeleteKiss my brown ass KoKoHlaing.. you're fucking idiots and dumbest adviser represent on Myanmar's president..no wonder our country is upside down
ReplyDeleteFuck !!!!! Does he and his family stay with candle light ??? Stupid talking like uneducated person very unprofessional .... Shame on him >•< Shame for his generations ..... Stupid shittttyyyyyy....
ReplyDeleteျမန္မာျပည္မွာ ဒီလိုေစာင့္သံုးမက်တ့ဲ ေကာင္မ်ဳိးေတြကို အၾကံေပး ခန္ထားမွေတာ့ ေနာက္ဆယ္ႏွစ္လဲ တိုးတက္လာမွာ မဟုတ္ဘူး.....ဖေယာင္တုိင္ကေန ေရနံဆီ မီခြက္ေခတ္ကို ျပန္ေရာက္ေအာင္ အၾကံေပးမယ္ ေခြးသူေတာင္စား