Video: "Thar Du Par Byar" Comedian Group's Thingyan Performance
This is the video of "Thar Du Par Byar" Comedians Group's performance which was held in front of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's Residence during Thingyan Festival (Myanmar New Year Festival) on April 16, 2012. Myanmar popular comedians; Ku Tho, Myit Tar, Ba Lu Wa and Ah Yaing lead the "Thar Du Par Byar" Group.
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"Thar Du Par Byar" Comedian Group's Thingyan Performance Video on Youtube!!!
Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com
"Thar Du Par Byar" Comedian Group's Thingyan Performance Video on Youtube!!!
Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com
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ReplyDeleteyap....U right...But she look bored...LOL