Video: Miss Shwe Pyae Sone Beauty Contest 2012
Here is the Video of Miss Shwe Pyae Sone Beauty Contest which was held on 19th February 2012 at Shwe Pyae Sone Bazaar, Mingalar Taung Nyunt, Yangon. New face teenage models Ngu Yi Thant won Miss Shwe Pyae Sone 2012 Award and Miss Photogenic Award. Su Shwe Nadi and May Grace Oo won the 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up Awards respectively.
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Miss Shwe Pyae Sone Beauty Contest ဗီဒီယို
Miss Shwe Pyae Sone Beauty Contest Video on Youtube!!!
Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com
Miss Shwe Pyae Sone Beauty Contest Video on Youtube!!!
Video of MyanmarCelebrity.Com
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