
Video: Interview with Thet Mon Myint @ Burmese Film Festival in San Francisco

Here is the interview video with Myanmar Popular Actress Thet Mon Myint at Burmese Film Festival which was held on 3rd December 2011 in San Francisco, United States of America. Thet Mon Myint won the Best Actress Academy Award for Year 2010 with "Adam, Eve and Datsa" Drama Film.

 San Francisco မွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ ျမန္မာရုပ္ရွင္ပြဲေတာ္သို႔ေရာက္ခဲ့တဲ့ 
သက္မြန္ျမင့္ နဲ႔ အင္တာဗ်ဴး 

Thet Mon Mint Interview Video on Youtube!!!

Video of Eagle Video Group.
Crews: Mike Min Min, Away, James Lin, Ayong, Zin Min Htoo, Ye Thi Ha, Myat Kaung, Tom Wong.
Video from Mike Min Min's Youtube Channel.
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  1. The SF Burmese Film was Co-Sponsored and Presented by Asian Student Union (ASU) of San Francisco State University, Burmese Youth Association (BYA) and the Network of Myanmar American Association (NetMAA).

    visit: www.netmaa.org

  2. why they ask like Myanmar journalist ??
    they ask like stupid questions.
    too formal. they should learn from like what US journalist do.
    not too friendly and make both interviewer and actress uncomfortable.
    keep it up. guys. you r in US. not in myanmar.

  3. ူူကၽြန္မသက္မႊန္ျမင့္နိူင္ငံေရးလံုးဝစိတ္မဝင္စားပါ။ ေထာင္တံခါးဝေရာက္မွာ ေၾကာက္ပါသည္။



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