Photos: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's Pathein Campaigning Trip

Myanmar Pro-Democracy Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visited Irrawaddy Delta on Feb 7, 2012 for her By-election Campaign Trip. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi visited Pathein and Myaung Mya. Thousands of Supporters welcomed along her way. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi told more than 50,000 supporters in Pathein to vote for her National League for Democracy (NLD) party in the April 1 by-elections at Koe Thein Football Stadium in Pathein.

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Daw Aung San Suu Kyi making Speech at Koe Thein Football Stadium

Photos from Facebook. 
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  1. She is like about 40 or 45 years old.

  2. i love mother su so much i feel all the people like to me . whatever time
    when i see mother su photo and news my tear is drawn down . how can i say
    i love you so much.i want to know how about other felling.

  3. I always pray for DASSK for the past 20 years for her health, strength and peace of mind so that through her tactics, strategy and manoeuvre of non-violence bring peace and prosperity to the whole populace that have been suffering serious hardship under the bondage of the military for nearly 50 years and right now we are seeing and witnessing the ray of light, freedom and democracy is beaming and beaconing from the darkest tunnel slowly but definitely. We have no grudge and hatred against the military because they learned the lesson the hard way that democracy finally pays and prevails no matter what. Long live DASSK because you are the true daughter of the martyred independent hero Gen. Aung San. We acknowledge that without you effort and sacrifice we will never see and enjoy freedom and democracy in our life time at least another century.

  4. အားရစရာ ႀကီးပါပဲဗ်ား...

  5. တက္ညီလက္ညီ ခ်ီတက္ၾကပါစို. ...............

  6. Congratulation annowar maung & driver athaylay

  7. Congratulation annowar maung & driver athaylay



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