Myanmar Celebrities Candid Photos Leak Out

မယ္လိုဒီ ၊ ဂ်င္းနီ ၊ ေခ်ာရတနာ ႏွင့္ ေဇာ္ေဇာ္ တိုု႔ရဲ့ Candid Photos

From Left to Right: Melody, Jenny, Chaw Yadanar and Zaw Zaw

Zaw Zaw = Military Government Back Business Tycoon of Myanmar / Regime Crony
Melody = Popular Model and Actor
Jenny = Popular Singer
Chaw Yadanar = Myanmar Model and Actor

Celebrity Gossips 7336515070846173498

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  1. Replies
    1. Political supporter hand-in singapore coil also had been abused with civil law and jail .....
      Why they are out of rule and law ?
      Clean Government mean...?
      Either Government will clean this out of rule or they clean with fresh Government.
      Kindly forward to fresh Government this Question .....

  2. burmese whores!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfuckinassoff

  3. I wish i could have sex with Melody, have to go to BME 2 or any Disco in Yangon.

  4. ေအာ္အႏုပညာဆုိတာ ဒီလုိကုိး
    ပုိက္ဆံ၇ွိတဲ့လူကလဲ ပုိက္ဆံကုိ သုံးျပီးအားကုိး
    ပုိက္ဆံမ၇ွိတဲ့လူျကေတာ့လဲ ခႏၱာကုိယ္ကုိအားကုိးေပါ့ေနာ္
    ေနာက္အဲ ေကာင္မေတြပါတဲ့ ဇာတ္ကားဆုိ လုံး၀မျကည့္ေတာ့ဘူး
    ေျသာ္ဘ၀ဇာတ္ခုံေပၚကလူေတြ လူေတြ

  5. အဲဒါလဲ ဇယားမ်ိုးဘဲေနာ္ မိန္းမ ေတြမ်ားေၿကာက္စရာ.....

  6. this has nothing to do with them beings whores or whatever falls under the same category. if you were to judge them by these photos, from an outsider what I can see is that , they've performed at a private event and they're getting the money (no matter how much that amount is! ) as bonus for their performance . do you see them naked or almost naked? do you see them STRIPPING? do you see them ALL OVER these two men? they're not even hugging,kissing or having any physical contact with these men. don't you guys have mothers,sisters,wives/girlfriends, or daughters? how'd you feel if someone accuses those women related to you just like how you all have accused these 3 women? always put yourself in others' shoes. don't be such cheap asses ! a la karr ya tine thu myarr tharr thamee ko mho choe mhyitt choe ma pyaw nae` , you low and shallow , narrow-minded people !

  7. အင္း.....စိတ္ပ်က္စ၇ာေကာင္းလိုက္ၾကတာ...ဘယ္လိုဟာေတြပါလိမ္.

  8. မရွက္ၾကဘူးလားေနာ္ ကာရာအုိေကတုိ႔ အႏႈိပ္ခန္းတုိ႔ကေကာင္မေတြနဲ႔တူလုိက္တာ ထြီ...........

  9. How did you all come to conclusion that they are whores? I just don't get it. Because they were singing with money in their hands? Couldn't it be that they were just joking around with their friends? I'm scared of my own Myanmar people because of these judgemental-much attitude. We are prone to name-calling.

  10. i don't know why people being mad at them...they are jst playing , i think...yeah!...

  11. အဲဒီ ဗီြဒီယို ထြက္ရင္ Share လုပ္ေပးမယ္....

  12. ေနျပည္ေတာ္မွာ ေသြးနဲ႔ ေခၽြးနဲ႔ လုပ္ရတဲ့ အလုပ္သမားေတြကိုေတာ့ ယခင္ လုပ္အားခ ေစ်းႏႈန္းထက္ ေလွ်ာ့ေပးျပီး ဒါမ်ဳိးေတြ က်ေတာ့ ပိုက္ဆံကို ေရလိုသံုးတယ္လား

    ဘာလည္းကြ ဆင္းရဲသားပေပ်ာက္ေရး ဆင္းရဲမႈေလွ်ာ့ခ်ေရးဆိုတာ ဒါမ်ဳိးကိုေျပာတာလား သရုပ္ေဆာင္ေတြ ဆင္းရဲတယ္နဲ႔တူတယ္ သူ႔အလုပ္ေတြ လုပ္ေနတဲ့ အလုပ္သမားေတြကေတာ့ ငတ္တလွည့္ ျပတ္တလွည့္ေပါ့ ေနျပည္ေတာ္ ေတာင္ဒီး မက္ျမန္မာ ရုံးက ရင္ရင္လွ ကေတာ့ လုပ္ခ်င္ရာလုပ္ ဦးေဇာ္ေဇာ္ ကလည္း ျဖစ္ခ်င္ရာျဖစ္နဲ႔

  13. ့့ုုမင္းအေမကိုေကာင္းေကာင္းမုတ္ျပီး..လုိးေပးခိုင္းလုိက္ေတာ့Good Night ညေလးေ၇

  14. ေဇာ္ေဇာ္အေမကိုလဲပိုက္ဆံေပးလုိး၇၇င္ေကာင္းမယ္goygyiေ၇

  15. this is small matter for them bec at the back they still got more worse matter..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Good jop , myanmar Popular Model and Actor they find money with like that easy way set lote.

  17. singer & model girl like want dollar

  18. သားလည္းစားခ်င္တယ္။ နဲနဲေက်ြး။

  19. မင္းတိုပဲအဲဒီလိုမလုပ္ႀကနဲေလနဲနဲေလဟီ ေ၀စား မွ်စားႀကတာေပါ့ ေနာ္သူငယ္ခ်င္တို ့



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